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Jenny Romano

Jenny leads all things strategy, business, and most importantly team at The Newsroom. She has 6 years in Digital Media and Digital Transformation at Google and Salesforce. At a dinner table, she is the one who listens and always tells it like it is.

Jenny Romano

Co-founder & CEO
Pedro Henriques

Pedro leads all things technical at The Newsroom, from the products you see to the AI algorithms that give them life. He has 7 years in AI and Data at PayPal and LinkedIn. At a dinner table, he is the diplomat who wants everyone to have a say.

Pedro Henriques

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From Our Instagram

  • Monthly elections recap - April 2024, part 2

#elections #april #2024 #news #thenewsroominstagram icon
  • Monthly elections update - April 2024

🇰🇼 Kuwait: After the Amir dissolved the National Assembly in February, new elections have been called for April, in which the opposition candidates won 29 seats in the 50-member assembly. 

🇸🇰 Slovakia: Peter Pellegrini won the final round against Ivan Korčok with 53% of the votes. This election marks a shift in Slovakia’s political arena towards stronger ties with Russia and a shift away from a pro-Western course. 

🇰🇷 South Korea: The opposition won extended control of the parliament, which could challenge the president’s domestic policies. After the elections the Prime Minister and most of the presidential advisers resigned. 

🇭🇷 Croatia: The Croatian Democratic Union won the highest number of seats, but failed to secure a majority, needing to form a coalition. While the opposition Social Democratic Party raises critical stances on the EU and NATO, the ruling party ensures continuity of Croatia’s pro-Western course and EU unity. 

🇸🇧 Solomon Islands: Jeremiah Manele, former Foreign Minister, was appointed as the country’s new Prime Minister. The shift in leadership keeps continuity in the Islands’ foreign policy, particularly in its relationship with China. 

🇲🇻 Maldives: President Mohames Muizzu’s People’s National Congress won 66 seats, while its allies took 9, giving the president the backing of a total of 75 legislators in the 93-member Parliament. Critics see this majority as a threat and a potential return to tyranny.

🇹🇬 Togo: Shortly before elections the parliament approved a new constitution that shifts the country’s governance from a presidential to a parliamentary system. The election outcome saw the ruling party winning the majority of seats in the parliament, which has been ruled by the same family for 57 years.

🇮🇳 India: The electoral process started in April and will finish at the beginning of June, with 970 million eligible voters. The incumbent Prime Minister Modi is expected to win a third term.instagram icon
  • Monthly elections recap - April 2024, part 1

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  • The European Union agrees to allocate funds from frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine.

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  • Inspired by U.S. campus events, protests have erupted in European universities to demand an end to the war in Gaza and the cessation of academic partnerships with Israeli institutions.

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  • Russia's Defence Ministry announces tactical nuclear weapons drills.

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  • While celebrating World Press Freedom Day, it's important to recognise where this right is not entirely protected. Some recent examples can be seen in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon and India.

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  • Today we celebrate World Press Freedom Day!

Nowadays the right to free press is being challenged in many countries. Some recent examples include the Slovakian government planning to revamp its public broadcaster RTVS to replace it with the Slovak Television and Radio, a new “state institution”. The proposal triggered many protests.

In Russia the dissent is systematically repressed through the incarceration of journalists that report on sensitive topics. Konstantin Gabov, Sergey Karelin, Evan Gershkovich, Antonina Favorskaya are among the journalists that are detained in Russia, risking years in prison for their work. 

In Belarus the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle has been banned after being labelled as “extremist”. The same label has been given to other 199 organizations by the Belarusian authorities, while 36 journalists are reported to be currently in jail.
The war in Gaza has seen at least 95 journalists being killed, making it the deadliest conflict in over three decades. The Israeli government intends also to close Al Jazeera’s local operations, among criticism. 

In India the government has been accused of using Pegasus spyware to spy on journalists, infiltrating smartphones, accessing personal data and activating cameras and microphones.instagram icon

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